V i r g i n C o c o n u t O i l

Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is pure oil coming from cocos nucivera– Latin name from coconut, VCO have contents of high rate of lauric acid and become beneficial for health. Because in human body, lauric acid turned into by monolaurin, a compound of monoligserida which capable to breaking viral lipid coat, like HIV, herpes, influenza, and other pathogenic bacteria and also disparity of tiroid function.

19 November, 2007

Medium and short chain of VCO

Why saturate fat of fresh stripper coconut– not kopra is exactly beneficial for health? Dr. Jon J. Kabara, professor from Michigan State University and Technology, Exchange, American answer the question. Saturated fat at oil of coconut, virgin coconuts oil (hereinafter referred to as VCO), consist of short chain saturate fat (C2 - C6), medium chain saturate fat (C8 - C12), and long chain saturate fat (C14 - C24). A content of chain saturate fat is predominating contents of VCO. The amount are about 52%, almost same with breast milk. This moderate chain saturate fat is of benefit to health. Dangerous is long chain saturate fat.

In all day long, VCO can be directly drink or use as cooking oil. In medium chain fat body in VCO earning easily penetrate mitochondria, the organ in every body cell. Mitochondria function to yield energy for body. Amenity of penetrating the mitochondria cause VCO personate energy source instant available for swiftly applied by body.

Chain fat is having small molecule measure. So, he easy to digested and permeated by gut wall. Hereinafter brought into liver for turned into by is energy after through processing process in mitochondria. Pancreas, Alimentary canal, and liver work are lighter. More than anything else chain fat is don't metamorphosing becoming fat, but energy.

Other things like the long chain fat which has bigger molecule. It has to be broken and tidy in the form of lipoprotein. Then circularized to all body through blood stream and transported to liver. In process of the processing, long chain fat require special enzyme so that can penetrate mitochondria. The result is energy, cholesterol and fat. Cholesterol and the fat indicating of various diseases to exist, like high blood, arteriosclerosis, stroke, obesity, gore, diabetes, and other multifarious of degenerative disease.

Moderate chain fat is not tidy in the form of lipoprotein, but direct turned into by energy without other product like and fat cholesterol. It doesn't require special enzyme for penetrating mitochondria.

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